I realize this is for News and maybe not for collector accessories discussion, but I've had no luck in other sections and hoping you guys can help out.
If anyone owns any "Coloured Plastic" RK62/95 Waffle pattern Magazines (Lipas) of *special Color* (NOT Green or Black), I am offering good money for colors such as White, Gray, Tan, Yellow, and any other unique variations as some are solid plastic and some are half transparent and colored.
There is 1 type of Black version I could use, which has NO side loop, and no steel reinforcements inside or on locking tabs. It is solid plastic and Black, opposite of the version that FDF use.
Willing to pay VERY good for these old brittle plastic mags, for the sake of expanding my collection and the article I am currently working on about the VKT/FDF testing period on plastic magazines (lipas) in 80's and 90's.
Please contact me if you have, or can locate any of these, as i will buy, and you can ship locally to my friend in Finland, who will send it to me.
Hope to hear back!
For fast response, you can email me at:
RK62/95- Old Plastic Test Lipas
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