Yliarvostetuin panssarivaunu

Keskustelua panssaroiduista ajoneuvoista. Tankit, panssariautot jne.
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Re: Yliarvostetuin panssarivaunu

Post by Rautapuu »

Discovery Channel myös valitsi M113 parhaaksi miehistönkuljetusvaunuksi eräässä ohjelmassaan.

Jos haluaa tietää mitä neukut ajattelivat niin tämä on parempi lähde kuin Discovery Channel.
http://www.amazon.com/Commanding-Red-Ar ... 0803229208

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Re: Yliarvostetuin panssarivaunu

Post by Sapööri »

leksa wrote:
Mutta eräässä Discovery:n dokumenteissa, sanottiin että Shermannit eivät saaneet suurta suosiota puna-armeijassa.

Discoveryn dokkarit on hyvin usein aikamoista mutu-huttua...

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Re: Yliarvostetuin panssarivaunu

Post by LV »

leksa wrote:Mutta eräässä Discovery:n dokumenteissa...

Juha Tompuri
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Re: Yliarvostetuin panssarivaunu

Post by Juha Tompuri »

Seraph wrote:
Eikös Shermanneja annettu puna-armeijan käyttöön ja eivät suuremmin tykänneet?
Pitivät he niistä ainakin riittävästi varustaakseen kaartin yksikköjä niillä!
tässä eräs naapurin mielipide babelfish-englanilla (esim caterpillar = telat):
Tanks with the horizontal suspension HVSS it was obtained by Russia 183 pcs By Soviet tankers tank Sherman as a whole arrived on the soul. Without being inferior on the protection and to armament domestic “T-34 tank”, this tank possessed considerably best ergonomics, more spacious tower, general thorough consideration of construction, there were many pleasant “trifles”, which now and then strongly simplified the daily servicing of machine. But with the introduction to the last models of Shermans new 76- mm of gun together with the high-quality ammunition, which were being supplied from the USA, tank according to its “anti-tank” characteristics also exceeded even new “to T-34 tank” with 85- mm by gun. Sherman's armor was thicker than the same in T -34, but less solid, and as a whole of protection of both tanks there were approximately identical. But American armor was more viscous, which caused less than second splinters with the impact of projectile. As the main disadvantages by Soviet tankers was noted too highly located a center of the masses of tank, which led to the frequent tiltings of machine. As on the remaining tanks of American production, caterpillar of Shermans they were resin-metal. In spite of some publications, it cannot be unambiguously said, was this merit or [nedostakom] according to the relation to Soviet all-metal caterpillar. Merit was the fact that the service life of American caterpillar was more than 5000 km, while the steel caterpillar of tank T -34 - only 2000-2500 km in addition to this, Sherman during the motion did not produce characteristic catepillar clank domestic “of T-34 tank” it, while rumbled so that Germans for its fifty kilometers they heard, which substantially hampered the reserved displacement of our tank units along the front. To deficiencies in the resin-metal caterpillar should be carried the risk of the burning out (or melting) of rubber from the fire or even the simply high temperature. Furthermore, this caterpillar did not ensure reliable cohesion with the earth in winter, also, into the freezing rain, tank became badly we govern. Our tankers wound caterpillar by wire and chains, drove into it bolts and shafts. Americans, who received reclamation, developed and they began to supply to the USSR regular cleats and shafts, but completely problem this so did not remove. As the illustration of the successful action of our tankers, who warred on Shermans, it is desirable to quote the words of one reward sheet. This exploit was of [sovershen] Soviet tankers in March 1944 during the offensive of the Red Army in the Ukraine.

t: Juha
"Älyä kyll' ei Dufvalla lie liiaksi ollutkaan,
pää huono oli, arveltiin"

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