ase 128mm. joka oli esim, jagdtigerissä?

Tässä vielä joitakin läpäisytietoja:Jagdtiger
- - Due to shortages in 128 mm gun some had 88 mm PaK 43/3. The last 26 produced had the 88 mm.
It had a 128 mm PaK 44 L/55 installed.5 Could penetrate 230 mm/9.1" at 1000 m/3,028', 173 mm/6.8" at 3,000m/9,842'.5 It's velocity was 920 m/sec / 3,016'/sec. It had a range of 22,410m / 73,523'. The ammunition had to be split into two sections as it was so heavy. The 62.4 lb AP round had a muzzle velocity of 3,019'/sec. The HE round could be fired 17,279 yards. - -