NL osti näitä vaunuja, Mark IIA, lempinimeltään "Englantilainen työläinen", 1930 15 kappaletta, kait kokeilutakoituksiin, ja loppuunkulumisen/vanhentumisen takia niistä luovuttiin.
Veikkaisin, että nuo Viteleen romut (viitisen kappaletta)olivat menossa maahankaivettaviksi asepesäkkeiksi.
Harmi ettei yhtään (ilmeisesti) tuotu Suomeen (museoitavaksi)
Mark II
An important and often overlooked developement. Vickers introduced the Mark II in 1925 as a follow on to the Mark I. Improvements included thicker armor, better driver vison, and armor skirting that provided protection for the suspension. This tank would remain in service until 1939 and after that year the tank was used for training - at least everywhere but North Africa. Due to an true shortage of armor, the British employed everything at hand, including these tired old machines. Against Italian armor they aquited themselves well, against German armor they were no match. These machines were armed basically as a Mark IA. Not shown above is model Mark IIA*. This model was basically the same as the Mark IIA but fitted with an armored wireless radio container. Not shown above is the small quanity of Mark IIA tanks modified specially for the USSR. The Soviets called this tank the "English Workman". ... Tanks.html
t: Juha