Missään ei mainuttu kuninkaan joutuneen attentaatin kohteeksi, vaan:
"Kuningas Boris kuoli salaperäisesti vuonna 1943 palattuaan vierailulta Adolf Hitlerin luota." (wikipedia bulgaria )
"Boris kuoli pian palattuaan Berliinistä sydänkohtaukseen retkeillessään Rilavuorella. Jotkut uskovat Hitlerin myrkyttäneen hänet." (wikipedia boris III)
"Shortly after returning to Sofia from a meeting with Hitler, Boris died of apparent heart failure on 28 August 1943. Conspiracy theories instantly sprang up, many choosing to believe that he was poisoned by Hitler in an attempt to put a more obedient government in place. The evening before the illness occurred, Boris had an official dinner in the Italian embassy. Others suggest that his death was a Communist plot to destabilize the monarchy, and that Boris was poisoned while visiting the Rila Monastery before getting ill. The question has never been settled and many people remain of the belief that Boris was murdered, in spite of no evidence being available" (wikipedia eng)
King Boris III disappeared during a 1943 visit to Germany. His body was never found. King Boris actually withstood Nazi pressure to hand over Jews. (indyposted.com)

Mikähän todella mahtaa olla totuus tässä asiassa ?
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