En tiedä tästä asiasta kuin aivan pintapuolisesti.
Oliko se vaihtokauppakaan oikeasti totta?
Mahd. vaihto olisi kait ollut enempi propagandasyistä - marsalkka pois vankeudesta.
Pauluksen ura oli aika nousujohteinen: sodan aikana kenraalimajurista marsalkaksi.
Muutamia linkkejä hänestä:
History gives a simple and unkind verdict on Friedrich Paulus: gifted Staff officer, uninspired
commander, an unquestioning general of the 'orders-are-orders' type. He was a man who
enjoyed the intellectual aspects of the profession of war; he never questioned Nazism and
was willing to do almost anything ordered by Hitler. Finally, when the fate of a quarter of a
million men rested in his hands, he 'froze' and did little but let events take their course to the
complete destruction of his army and the miserable deaths of most of his soldiers.
http://users.telenet.be/stalingrad/divi ... paulus.htm
Parit Wikit:
Guderian described him as ‘brilliantly clever, conscientious, hard working, original and talented’ but already had doubts about his decisiveness, toughness and lack of command experience.
A very clever man though perhaps not a very strong character.
* Erich von Manstein to Leon Goldensohn, June 14, 1946.
t: Sven