kauppiaitten kikkojaHL/A wrote:Tämä laturi kun vielä vaatii patruunat valmiiksi pakattuina erityiseen latauskampaan eikä toimi toisenlaisessa kammassa olevien, tai irtopatruunoiden kanssa kuten tavanomaisemmat lippaantäyttimet.
http://www.gotavapen.se/gota/artiklar/k ... ede_45.htm1945 a new 36 shot magazine was developed. It turned out to be one of the very best magazines in the world until now. It is wider behind and more narrow to the front. This construction allows the cartridges to move freely up and down independent of dust and below zero conditions. Magazines with parallel sides are very likely to jam under cold conditions. This, both Germans with MP40 and British with Sten-Gun, found out the hard way. The m/45 magazine has double rows of cartridges and it is very easy to load by hand. With the help of a special tool a magazine can be loaded in 6 seconds.