ensiksi tulisi mieleen 12,7 rauforsin multipurpose ja r- aine määräksi 5,7 grammaa aftonin 57 sijasta
vaan ei ollut.
By PAULINE JELINEK, Associated Press Writer Pauline Jelinek, Associated Press Writer – Sat Apr 10, 8:33 pm ET
WASHINGTON – A U.S. military doctor removed a live round of ammunition from the head of an Afghan soldier in an unusual and harrowing surgery.
Doctors say a 14.5 millimeter unexploded round — more than 2 inches long — was removed from the scalp of an Afghan National Army soldier at the Bagram Air Field hospital last month.
When the Afghan soldier, in his 20s, arrived at the base, doctors thought it was shrapnel or the spent end of some sort of round, said Lt. Col. Anthony Terreri, a radiologist deployed from Wilford Hall Medical Center at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas
"...И вот ты лежишь ночью в зоне, и хабар рядом, и неизвестно, то-ли он просто лежит, то-ли тихо тебя убивает..." ("Пикник на обочине" - А. и Б.Стругацкие)
"...И вот ты лежишь ночью в зоне, и хабар рядом, и неизвестно, то-ли он просто лежит, то-ли тихо тебя убивает..." ("Пикник на обочине" - А. и Б.Стругацкие)