Tässä lainauksia joltain toiselta keskustelupalstalta.
...I'm really not in a position to argue with you, as to paraphrase someone else's comment above, I'm neither a fuel- nor an engine-geek. But doing a Goggle search on "Maybach HL230P30" yields quite a few hits that include mention of diesel fuel. Most seem to discuss Panther tanks, but Tigers are also mentioned. Though my memory is not what it once was, I believe I based my original statement after doing a search for Tiger I and diesel (I used those search times due to memory of something I'd read), and I trusted what I found.
Others might wish to view a discussion similar to this one, from another forum:
http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic. ... 5&start=15
Oh, please, my dear Mr. Akashdnazi - don’t be so adversative toward those wartime German engineers. After all, a prominent German engine historian, Mr. Frank Köhler (Kampfpanzermotoren in Deutschland 1939 – 1990), actually explained that there was a plethora of diverse, highly advanced designs, which were not deployed because of different, mainly non-technical reasons, like political attrition, lack of coordination, personal bickerings, etc.
Take for example this unemployed beauty – the Daimler Benz 507. This 42,3 liters, liquid-cooled V 12 pre-chamber type Diesel engine was designed with a light alloy crankcase and capable to deliver 850 HP (625 kW) at 2300 RPM. Although this engine in its initial, 477 kW variant was envisioned as a powerplant for the Daimler Benz "Panther" prototype in 1942, rejection of the aforesaid armored solution was used as a rationale for a complete disregard of this highly perspective engine, even though MAN "Panther" needed only a completely executable modification of the engine compartment. Needless to say, the very same modification was applicable for the Königstiger as well.
http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a137/ ... zDB507.jpg
Daimler Benz DB 507, V 12 Diesel
Additionally, the engine’s weight was significantly lesser – only 850 kgs (pleasingly comparable with those 1300 kgs of the Maybach HL 230!). And that was not all – even more intriguing, amazingly modern designs were already constructed and technically prepared for the serial production in 1945, but - due to known many reasons - that fabrication never started…
Dieseli oli siis olemassa jo hyvinkin lähellä, etteikö sitä löytynyt saksalaisista panssareista. Tekstistä selviää, että jokin "yhteensattuma" muutti suunnitelmat 1945.
Asenteet, polittiset ja henkilökohtaiset "kaunat" sotkivat asioita dieselöinnin suhteen. Osaaminen ja sunnittelu oli käsittääkseni korkealla tasolla.
Liitän mukaan pari kuvaa. Molemmat olivat varteenotetavia vaihtoehtoja, tämän tietämiseni mukaan. Tuosta Simmeringistä kaivan vielä tietoja lisää. Samaten nimi Deutz-diesel, lmajäähdytteinen, esintyy moottori vaihtoehtona. Mersussa oli runsaasti seosmetallia, alumiinia ja sen käyttö taisi olla ei toivottavaa. Lentokoneet taisi olla pääsijalla aluuminin kuluttajina.