Näiden linkkien mukaan hengityslaitteita ei ollut/riitänyt kaikille, ja niiden toiminnassa oli puutteita.reka65 wrote:Siellä on joku keppostellut.Karvaita piloja kannattaa suunnitella hieman tarkemmin noin vastuun vuoksi.Nyt tukehtui palveluskavereita.Mahtaa tekijä käydä tapahtunutta päässään moneen kertaan.
Lisäksi täällä puhutaan 224:stä sukellusveneessä olleessa - ei 208:sta kuten alussa laskettiin.
"It will be absolutely unfair if this sailor is designated the sole person to be guilty of what happened," Alexander Golts, a defence commentator at Yezhednevny Zhurnal magazine, told AFP.
"In Russia there is always a tendency to look for a scapegoat," said Pavel Felgenhauer, another defence expert. "The critical lack of qualified personnel in Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union is the cause of most disasters."
http://sg.news.yahoo.com/afp/20081113/t ... 0205e.htmlDefective gas masks may have been responsible for many of the deaths on the Nerpa, the Russian tabloid Tvoi Den reported, citing survivors.
"I saw people in convulsions ripping off their masks. I also had a breathing apparatus on, but it only worked for seven to 15 minutes," the newspaper quoted warrant officer Yevgeny Ovsyannikov as saying.
"Some of the dead were found with their gas masks on. The breathing apparatuses simply didn't work," another survivor, Dmitry Usachyov, was quoted as saying by Tvoi Den.
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t: Sven