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FW 190
Tämmöistä tietoa löytyi. Yritän etsiä vielä kuvan restauroidusta.
Posted: Thu 25 January 2007 16:36 Post subject:
Found some more info on this Focke Wulf on the net. It is currently under restoration to stock airworthy condition for Paul Allen's Flying Heritage Collection
It is a Fw190-A5. Pilot is still listed as MISSING.
"Fw190 A5 White A of 4./JG54
This Focke-wulf 190 was manufactured in April 1943, originally as an A-5 variant and supplied with the full work number 0151227 by the parent factory of Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau GmbH at Bremen.
THE LOSS OF FW190 A5 W.Nr 1227.
On Monday 19th July 1943 Fw190 A-5 W.Nr 1227 'White A' went on a mission carrying a SC250 (550Ib) bomb. Taking off from Siwerskaja, on what was probably a hot summer day, 'White A' headed for the Front line which was only fifteen or so minutes flight time away. Crossing the front line over the Dvina River, the Fw190, flying with another crossed it and headed East. Whilst behind enemy lines, in an area called Voibakala, the 'Rotte' attacked an armoured train and reportedly suffered damage from flak. The loss report indicates the Fw190 crash landed due to this damage, although none was located on the airframe. It Fw190 suffered a catastrophic failure of the BMW801, caused by a rag -sabotage is suspected as it was a new engine was fitted a few days before. The Fw190 was recorded as being 100% lost in the map reference co-ordinates of Pl.Qu.20124. This grid system based on 1:200,000 maps was used to identify crash sites, possibly for salvage, recovery of missing pilots or as the best way of identifying an area consisting of unpronounceable Russian towns, villages and large areas of forests and lakes. The more numbers the Pl.Qu. reference gives, the smaller the area of the location. A key to this 'code', would help identify literally dozens of possible recoveries within Russia!!
The pilot Feldwebel Paul Rätz survived the crash landed behind enemy lines. He removed his leather flying helmet and retrieved the first air kit from the rear fuselage and is thought to have headed West back to the front line only a dozen or so miles from the crash site. He was undoubtedly captured by the Russians and interned although the Luftwaffe loss report still class him as 'Vermißt' (missing) in action.
Found in silver birch forest 1989. Recovered 1991. Doug/David Arnold and now Paul Allen.
This is a very high % original aircraft.
Everything that could be reused has been reused.
The original 6 spoke sand cast wheels are a site to see.
Linkki Venäläisen löytäjän sivuille. Löytyy muuten muutakin mielenkiintoista kamaa... http://klad.hobby.ru/milarch.htm
Kahdeksas ruutu vasemmalta avaa kuvagallerian.
Posted: Thu 25 January 2007 16:36 Post subject:
Found some more info on this Focke Wulf on the net. It is currently under restoration to stock airworthy condition for Paul Allen's Flying Heritage Collection
It is a Fw190-A5. Pilot is still listed as MISSING.
"Fw190 A5 White A of 4./JG54
This Focke-wulf 190 was manufactured in April 1943, originally as an A-5 variant and supplied with the full work number 0151227 by the parent factory of Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau GmbH at Bremen.
THE LOSS OF FW190 A5 W.Nr 1227.
On Monday 19th July 1943 Fw190 A-5 W.Nr 1227 'White A' went on a mission carrying a SC250 (550Ib) bomb. Taking off from Siwerskaja, on what was probably a hot summer day, 'White A' headed for the Front line which was only fifteen or so minutes flight time away. Crossing the front line over the Dvina River, the Fw190, flying with another crossed it and headed East. Whilst behind enemy lines, in an area called Voibakala, the 'Rotte' attacked an armoured train and reportedly suffered damage from flak. The loss report indicates the Fw190 crash landed due to this damage, although none was located on the airframe. It Fw190 suffered a catastrophic failure of the BMW801, caused by a rag -sabotage is suspected as it was a new engine was fitted a few days before. The Fw190 was recorded as being 100% lost in the map reference co-ordinates of Pl.Qu.20124. This grid system based on 1:200,000 maps was used to identify crash sites, possibly for salvage, recovery of missing pilots or as the best way of identifying an area consisting of unpronounceable Russian towns, villages and large areas of forests and lakes. The more numbers the Pl.Qu. reference gives, the smaller the area of the location. A key to this 'code', would help identify literally dozens of possible recoveries within Russia!!
The pilot Feldwebel Paul Rätz survived the crash landed behind enemy lines. He removed his leather flying helmet and retrieved the first air kit from the rear fuselage and is thought to have headed West back to the front line only a dozen or so miles from the crash site. He was undoubtedly captured by the Russians and interned although the Luftwaffe loss report still class him as 'Vermißt' (missing) in action.
Found in silver birch forest 1989. Recovered 1991. Doug/David Arnold and now Paul Allen.
This is a very high % original aircraft.
Everything that could be reused has been reused.
The original 6 spoke sand cast wheels are a site to see.
Linkki Venäläisen löytäjän sivuille. Löytyy muuten muutakin mielenkiintoista kamaa... http://klad.hobby.ru/milarch.htm
Kahdeksas ruutu vasemmalta avaa kuvagallerian.
- jvmaj
- Posts: 1834
- Joined: Mon May 01, 2006 22:28
- Location: Koljonvirta
Wittmann wrote:Eiks tää sama ollu jossain muussa keskustelussa
http://www.pkymasehist.fi/phpBB2/viewto ... ight=#3379Wittmann wrote:Mitenköhän mun dementoinut muistini pätkii.... Se on kiva, että nykyään oppii aina uutta kun unohtaa jo vanhempia asioita...
t: Sven
"Älyä kyll' ei Dufvalla lie liiaksi ollutkaan,
pää huono oli, arveltiin"
pää huono oli, arveltiin"
Tuota samaa konetta eri kuvista ihmetelleenä, en voi kuin hämmästellä, sillä kone on lojunut pauttiarallaa 60 vuotta paikoillaan metsässä, se tuossa maassa ei olisi mahdotonta ettei sitä löytyisi, mutta miksi siihen ei ole tarttunut edes juuri ohjaamon kuomuun mitään levää tai muuta, samoin miksi sen siiville ei ole jäänyt lehtiä maatumaan, kone makaa lehtimetsässä, normaalisti luulisi multaa kasvaneen siipiin ja niissäkin jo itävän jotain. Miksi ohjaamo on kuin imuroitu ei lehden/roskan roskaa, vaikka kuomu on osin rikki ? rungon luukku on ilmeisesti ollut kiinni, siksi sisällä ei olisi välttämättä lehtiä ?
no ainahan saa hämmästellä, kyllä minä sellaisen koneen ymmärrän mikä on hapettomassa tilassa säilyvän, mutta kun ulkoilmassa ilman suojaa...
- j o n i -
no ainahan saa hämmästellä, kyllä minä sellaisen koneen ymmärrän mikä on hapettomassa tilassa säilyvän, mutta kun ulkoilmassa ilman suojaa...
- j o n i -
"Olen käyttänyt 90 % rahoistani viinaan ja naisiin. Ja loput olen tuhlannut."